
#02 - Nerf


Basic Information

Name: Nerf (or Nothing)

Pronouns: he/they, ne/ner/neir/nerfself

Age: 20

Class: Soldier

DOB: July 7

Height: 4'11

I don't know if "Nerf or Nothing" is his full name or if it's just "Nerf." I'm still having a hard time believing that his name could be either.


General Information

  • Discovered in ████ after an incident in █████ resulted in approx. 17 casualties.
  • Uniform consists of a mint colored Thousand-Yard Stare helmet and mint colored Safety Stripes coat.
  • Enjoyes baking, and will introduce nerfself by bringing people snickerdoodles or decorated sugar cookies.
  • Pretty slow reaction time.

Notable Team Relationships

  • Strong relationship to #01 (Daffodil) and #03 (Ester).
  • #03 makes it a priority to micromanage the medical care of #02, especially in regards to his head injury.
  • Extremely friendly with both Nitrile teammates and other teams.

Field Information


  • Standard issue Blackbox, covered in stickers.
  • Standard issue Panic Attack
  • Stock Shovel

Fighting Style

  • Runs in blindly, rarely with a plan. Sometimes successful.
  • Very slow reaction time. Takes longer to analyze a situation.
  • Trusts teammate's instructions.


